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Jo-Ann Pacenta
Happy times once enjoyed, How sweet the memory still. But you left a vacant place, This world can never fill. ~♥~
Katie Cassidy's Mom
Forever loved sugar cookie candle is burning in my kitchen in memory & honor of you!! Thoughts & Prayers!!
David Cody~Wife forever
The thoughts and prayers of your loved one carries me through each day. We miss our angels so ~<3
Diane ~ Bob & Joyce Snoor
Lighting a candle simple & true please stay ever so close your loving Mom is always missing you!! Hugs & Prayers!!
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
All we can do is learn to swim. ~♥~
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
Grief is like the ocean; it comes on waves ebbing & flowing. Sometimes the water is calm & sometimes it is overwhelming.
Katie Cassidy's Mom
Very often thoughts of you turn into little prayers and each one of is whispered from my heart that truely cares!! God Bless!!
Colleen ~ Thomas Carroll
Treasured thoughts of one so dear, often bring a silent tear, thoughts of scenes long past, years roll on but memories last.~♥~
Colleen ~ Thomas Carroll
Always remember to forget the troubles that passed away. But, never forget to remember the blessings that come each day. ~♥~
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
Always remember to forget the things that made you sad. But, never forget to remember the things that made you glad. ~♥~
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
~♥*`*•.Love here on earth, Love beyond the grave, There are no roads, that love can't pave..•*`*♥~
Katie Cassidy's Mom
Forever loved strawberry candle is burning in my kitchen in memory & honor of you!! Thoughts& Prayers!!
Colleen ~ Thomas Carroll
Memories are a journey we take in our minds, and relive in our hearts. ~♥~
Jo-Ann Pacenta ~ Lauren's mom
Like the glow of a candle, may memories of u forever shine brightly in the hearts of those who love & miss u dear Jordan ~♥~
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
¸.•*`*♥~Thinking of you Angel!~♥*`*•.¸
Diane ~ Bob & Joyce Snoor
Those whom we cherished, live on forever, for love wraps itself around our heart!! Hugs & Prayers!!
Katie Cassidy's Mom
Happy Tuesday forever loved wishing you a glorious Heavenly day!! Thoughts & Prayers!!
Theresa Vollemans
Hi Jordan, I have been thinking of you and your mom a lot lately, Just saw all your pictures, good memories, I laughed and cried!
Margaret Buonpane
Remembering you always! ~♥~
auntie moe
Hi jordie, thinking of you,love you and miss you
Colleen ~ Thomas Carroll
Death is nothing else but going home to God, the bond of love will be unbroken for all eternity.~ Mother Teresa ~♥~
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
How does one become a butterfly? You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar. ~♥~
Jo-Ann Pacenta ~ Lauren's mom
A candle glows in ur honor, a symbol of love & remembrance. Hoping this day & every day thoughts of u bring smiles to the hearts of ur loved ones ~♥~
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
~♥*`*•.¸There are in the end, three things that last: Faith, Hope & Love...the greatest of these is Love!¸.•*`*♥~
Colleen ~ Thomas Carroll
¸.•*`*♥Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.♥*`*•.¸
Jo-Ann Pacenta ~ Lauren's mom
*˚★ • ˚˛Thinking˚ ★*of ★*you °♥ ˚ •☆◦ and *˚your ♥★ precious ange Jordanl*˚✰˚
David Cody~Wife forever
Thinking of you and wanting to honor you for the lives you have touched and love you shared ~<3
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
Not a day goes by when you are not loved and missed. Held in our hearts forever. ~♥~
Colleen ~ Thomas Carroll
The best & most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched... they must be felt with the heart. ~♥~
Katie Cassidy's Mom
Good morning forever loved wishing you a glorious Heavenly day!! Thoughts & Prayers!!
Jo-Ann Pacenta ~ Lauren's mom
May the memories of Jordan bring a smile to your hearts ~♥♥♥~ & may you be blessed with peace & love. God Bless
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
Hi Jordan. Please join Patrick in welcoming our Dad to Heaven & introduce him to all UR Angel friends. Hugs to UR Mom. ~♥~
David Cody~Wife forever
You are loved and missed by your family so much ~<3
Grma-Louise To Angie
Jordan,Please stay close by our side we wish that we could bring all you precious Angels home again..That would be so wonderful..
Bev(Harley Walls Mom)
Tear drops, slow & steady, the pain so real & true, God took another Angel & that Angel was You. Sweet Dreams Angel~♥~
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
~♥~*`*•.¸Life brings smiles, tears & memories. The smiles fade, the tears dry, but the memories last forever.¸.•*`*~♥~
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